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What you can expect
from a Diddy Explorers class 

Playing toddlers

Weekly themes

Each class is carefully planned and led by an experienced Early Years teacher, with your child's early development and curiosities in mind. Every week classes will have a different nature inspired theme.  This will then be linked to a familiar book, so that your child has something new to look forward to and explore.


Exploring the environment

Our diddy explorers are welcome to move around and investigate the environment as much as they like because we know that little ones don't like to sit still!   We want them to be exploring and developing those inquiring minds!  




Cute Baby Boy
Toddler Playing Drums

Developing their confidence and creativity  

Each activity in our class allows your diddy explorer to investigate their own curiosities through play.  They can use natural materials to create their own imaginings and develop their confidence along the way. 

Sharing special time together

All of our engaging activities are designed so that you and your diddy explorer can work on them together.  You can develop your special bond and share in those magical learning moments, side by side.

Day Care

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